Copyright © 2005-2006 Wortley
Musical number 11
You haven’t seen me
A farcical piece for John, Jenny, Angela, Mario, the photographer and Valerie
What follows is farce set to music - a mixture of recitative, song and underscored dialogue.
ENTER R John. He is making a phone call on his mobile
John (spoken over music)
No I can’t talk any louder.
Because she might hear me. . . . Yes I know she's a lovely girl but that’s not
the point. No I'm not paranoid
. . . Mother will you listen! Because I followed her here that's how I know.
Yes, it was Jenny.
Mum, you know that I adore her
But I saw her!
She checked in as Mrs Smith.
Very iffy, Mrs Smith
Ever so discreet
But I know she's here to cheat.
Ever so discreet, she's here to cheat.
Ever so discreet, she's here to cheat.
Ever so discreet, she's here to cheat!
And I know who he is
I overheard him plotting
She plans to meet him here.
Perhaps she's hiding near.
She plans to meet him here.
Perhaps she's hiding near.
She’ll meet him here.
She's hiding near.
I fear they’ll do it here.
John starts towards the doors at the back but then hears someone coming so he hides behind the desk.
ENTER R Mario.
Mario (sung)
So, here is Mario
I am ready to impress you
And possess you
Who needs Richard Gere
When Sweetheart, here I am
You shall be my ewe
And I shall be your ram
Who needs Richard Gere. Here I am
Who needs Richard Gere. Here I am
Who needs Richard Gere. Here I am
Mario starts unbuttoning his shirt as he EXITS into the office (ie the wrong room)
John leaps up from behind the desk and bangs on the door of the office.
John (sung)
I know you’re there
I know your game
Mario ENTERS from the office with an unbuttoned shirt.
Mario (sung)
What do you know?
John (sung)
You and Mrs Smith.
Have you no shame?
Don’t you play dumb
Out you come!
ENTER the photographer from the office
John (spoken)
Who the hell are you!?
John looks into the office to check no-one else is there.
The photographer (spoken)
I’m the ummm builder – I’m looking for dry rot.
Mario (spoken)
Ah well. I’d love to stay and chat – but business before pleasure.
Mario smiles at the photographer and EXITS to the storage room.
The photographer (spoken)
If you’ll excuse me
The photographer EXITS back into the office shutting the door.
John is bemused – but then realises the possibilities of storage room. He knocks on the door.
John (sung)
I know you’re there
I know your game
Mario ENTERS from the storage room without a shirt on.
Mario (sung across John)
What do you know?
This is getting tedious, repetitive, monotonous.
John (sung)
You and Mrs Smith.
I know that’s not her name.
Don’t you play dumb
Out you come!
ENTER Angela from the storage room - half dressed. John looks in past her to check there’s no-one else there.
Angela (spoken, flirtatiously) Well, what have we got here? You’re all fired up, aren’t you. Anything I can do to help?
Mario (spoken)
Well, it looks like Mario has been forgotten already. So, Mario will now go and take care of his needs in here.
Mario EXITS into the lavatory.
John (spoken)
I’m sorry . . .
Angela (spoken)
No need to be sorry Darling.
John (spoken)
I thought you were . . . I thought you were Mrs Smith.
Angela (spoken)
Mrs Smith? No can’t help you there. Unless you mean that strange woman in a scarf. I did see her earlier. She went in there.
John (spoken)
Right that’s it!
John bangs on the lavatory door.
John (sung)
No you don’t
The lavatory door opens and Mario who is doing up his flies starts to ENTER.
John (sung)
Oh no you don’t
John pulls Mario out and EXITS into the lavatory looking for Mrs Smith. Meanwhile Mario looses his temper . . .
Mario (spoken)
Mario has had enough of this.
Mario punches John as he ENTERS from the lavatory. John Falls back into the lavatory out of sight. The door stays open.
Angela (sung)
At last, a real man.
To make me feel like new.
Come on, let’s do it
Here and now
Mario (sung)
Angela (sung)
And now
Mario (sung)
Here and now!
No wait. Someone’s coming.
Angela EXITS into the storage room pulling Mario in with her.
ENTER R Valerie and Jenny. Valerie is very attentive.
Valerie (sung)
Please there is no need
To be hiding in the garden
In just a cardigan.
It’s freezing
Mrs Smith
Very chilly, Mrs Smith.
As Valerie sings, they move stage L. Behind them, the audience sees a long telephoto lens appear through the window in the office door and follow them both across the room.
Come inside the house
Where we’ll keep you safe and sound
Cameras can’t be found for miles around
Cameras can’t be found for miles around
Cameras can’t be found for miles around
The lens disappears back into the office.
EXEUNT L Valerie and Jenny. At the same time, Mario ENTERS from the storage room buttoning his shirt.
Mario (sung)
I’m sorry Sweetheart
It’s no joke
This to-ing and fro-ing
Has put me off my stroke!
Maybe tomorrow, Sweetheart.
Mario EXITS R. Angela ENTERS from the storage room – still half dressed and holding the rest of her clothes.
Angela (sung)
Typical, typical, typical, typical,
Typical, typical, typical, typical,
Angela looks through the open door into the lavatory
No, even I draw the line at semi-conscious